Welcome to Trans-Pro Inc.

Basic Beliefs of Trans-Pro

Basic Beliefs are an expression of the Company's values and principles that guide strategic behavior and direction. The Basic Beliefs are deeply rooted in the philosophy and heritage of the Company's founder.

In 1958 Shrock Trucking was formed by a dedicated, honest, forward-looking businessman, Clifford Shrock. He started Shrock Trucking with one truck hauling products at a fair price, and followed sound policies, therefore STI prospered. Trans-Pro was turned into the reefer division and Shrock Trucking has continued to work with Flatbed customers. Today, we who inherit the Trans-Pro name and the Trans-Pro tradition of successful business operations, base present policies on these time-honored principles. We interpret them, in terms of modern corporate thinking, to be the guideposts of our operations. They are as follows:


Quality applies to all of our jobs, methods, our marketing efforts, our people, and our relationships with each other. We will only produce and sell our quality so that we can enhance the quality of life and well-being. These will be the highest quality services offered in our respective markets because Trans-Pro's growth and business success have been built on quality. We will continuously look for ways to achieve daily improvements that will, over time, result in consistently superior performance.

At Trans-Pro quality comes first. Sales growth and earnings will follow.


We will be fair with our employees and Independent contractors while striving to maintain an environment that encourages personal responsibility within the Company and the community. In return, we expect our employees and Independent contractors to be responsible for not only their individual jobs but for the Company as a whole.

We will seek employees and Independent contractors who are committed to preserving and enhancing the values and principles inherent in our Basic Beliefs through their own actions. We firmly believe that:

  • Highest quality people produce the highest customer services.
  • Highest business ethics require the highest personal ethics.
  • Responsible people produce exceptional results.


The same, strong ethical values on which our Company was founded provide the standards by which we conduct our business as well as ourselves. These values include honesty, respect, trust, responsibility, and fairness. We expect nothing less regardless of the circumstances. Therefore, we will maintain the highest standard of ethics with our customers, employees, and suppliers and with the communities where we work.


Along with day-to-day operations, we are also concerned with the potential of our Company. Growing is reaching for that potential whether it be in the development of new ideas, new lanes, new markets, or the personal growth and development of our people and their ideas.

We are committed to strong balanced growth that will protect or enhance our customer base within prudent financial parameters, thereby providing a fair growth in our company.


We have a strong commitment to stewardship of the Trans-Pro name and heritage. We will remain an independent company because of our desire and motivation to control our own direction and succeed on our own. We strive to be an example of a company which is successful by operating under these Beliefs within the free enterprise system.

These Basic Beliefs regarding quality, people, ethics, growth, and independence have served as a strong foundation throughout our history, and will continue to be the basis for future strategy, plans, and achievements.

PO BOX 9066
Brooks, OR 97305
503-856-8333 FAX
Email Trans-Pro